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Sai Ke 9 Guruwar vrat ki mahima (Glory to Sai's nine Thursday fast)

All wishes will be fulfilled by doing this vrat. In this Kali Age (Kaliyug), this vrat is very effective. This vrat will give desired fruit to doer but doer must have full faith and patience. Whoever will distribute this Sai vrat book among people and make good name of SAI and this Vrat, their all wishes will be fulfilled.

Story behind the Sai vrat pooja

Kokilaben and her husband Maheshbhai used to live in a big city and they had lots of love for each other. But Maheshbhai’s nature was very annoying and he had no sense of talking. Neighbours were also very much frustrated by his this kind of nature. Kokilaben had lots of faith in GOD and she was very religious.

She was tolerating all her problems silently having lots of faith in GOD that GOD will make everything all right one day. But because of Maheshbhai’s nature, their business went down gradually and there was not enough income. He started staying at home all day and his nature become worst.

It was an afternoon. One old saint came to Kokilaben’s door. There was enormous light on his face. And he asked for rice and dal (lentils). Kokilaben gave him rice and dal and she folded her both hands and said “namste” (greetings).

Saint replied “SAI will always keep you happy.” Kokilaben said “There is no happiness in my life” and she told all her problems to the saint. After listening to all her problems, Saint told her about “Sai Nav (Nine) Guruwar (Thursday) Vrat”

Saint told as follows about the Vrat.

  • This Vrath can be started from any Thursday by uttering SAI BABA’s name.
  • This Vrath has to be continued for 9 Thursdays.
  • Any male, female or child can do this Vrat.
  • On these Nine Thursday, individual who is doing vrat can eat fruit/milk/sweets etc. all day long or can have one meal a day. “One Must Not Do This Vrat Without Eating Anything”.
  • If possible, go to SAI BABA’s temple to have SAIBABA’s darshan on these Nine Thursday.
  • At home, do pooja/prayer of Sai Baba as follows.
  • In the morning or in the evening, do the pooja as mentioned below.
  • Put Yellow Cloth in front of you and place SAI BABA’s Photo or Statue on this cloth.
  • Light lamp (diya) in front of BABA’s picture.
  • Wash or wipe BABA’s picture with clean water and cloth.
  • Put “tikka (Bindi on the forehead)” with “kumkum” (red powder) on BABA’s face.
  • Offer Yellow Flower to BABA.
  • Offer Fruit or Sweets to BABA as Naivadhya (Prasad)
  • Read this SAI story and Read / Sing SAIBABA’s Aarti after finishing Pooja and reading story.
  • Tell BABA why you are doing this Vrat and ask him to fulfill your wish.
  • Give Prasad to all your friends and family members and you also eat it some.
  • If, because of any reason, you cannot do vrat on any Thursday, skip that Thursday and continue from the next Thursday.
  • If female is doing this Vrat, skip the Thursday during Menstrual Cycle period.
  • On the 9th Thursday, Celebrate SAI VRAT. In this celebration process, feed 5 poor people and distribute this SAI VRAT book among people. One can give 5, 11 or 21 etc.

After listening about this SAI VRAT from Saint, Kokilaben also decided to do this vrat. She started Vrat from the Thursday. And she finished 8 Guruwars with full faith. On the 9th Guruwar, she fed poor people and distributed SAI VRAT books among friends and relatives.

As soon as she finished the Vrat, all the quarrels vanished from her house. Prosperity, happiness and peace spread in her home. Maheshbhai’s nature was changed completely. Their business started doing well. And in no time, they got all the happiness and prosperity.

Both husband and wife started living happily. One day Kokilaben’s sister-in-law and brother-in-law came from Surat. Her sister-in-law was talking with Kokilaben. The former said that her kids were not studying and getting failed in exams. Kokilaben told her about SAI VRAT. She said “SAI devotion will make education better. Have faith in SAI BABA. HE helps everyone.” Kokilaben’s sister-in-law asked the detail of the vrat.

Kokilaben told about the SAI VRAT in detail. And explained her everything about the vrat. Her sister-in-law went to Surat and she sent a letter after few days. She wrote that her children have started doing SAI VRAT and now they are studying very well. She also did Vrat and distributed SAI VRAT book in her office. One of her friend, who had very hard time in getting married, got married to a very nice man after started doing SAI VRAT. Her neighbour has also started doing SAI VRAT and she got her stolen jewellery box back. It was a great miracle.

Dear Shirdi Sai Baba, as you have blessed these people, please bless all of us too.

The Sai Naav Guruwar (None Thursdays) Vrat:

  • Any man child or woman can do this vrat.
  • Person from any caste or creed can do this vrat.
  • If the rules of this vrat are strictly followed for 9 Thursdays, then the observer of this vrat could reap the benefits of this vrat in no time.
  • This vrat should be observed with complete devotion towards Sai Baba for its fulfilment and can be started from any Thursday.
  • For observing this vrat, Sai Baba’s name must be worshipped in morning or in evening.
  • Sai Baba's photograph must be placed on a yellow cloth.
  • Clean the photograph with clear water.
  • Tilak of Chandan (sandalwood) and Kumkum must be applied to the photograph of Sai Baba.
  • Yellow coloured flowers or garland must be offered to Sai Baba, incense sticks and lamp must be lighted and then the main story of the vrat must be read.
  • Sai Baba's name must be remembered and then prasad must be distributed.
  • Sai Baba Arti is sufficient, still if you wish you can chant Sai Chalisa and Sai Bavani given in Vrat book.
  • Prasad may consist of some sweet, dry fruit or fruits.
  • Vrat can be done only by eating fruits, sweets or drinking milk, tea or coffee. It can also be done by taking one time meal in evening. It should not be done by not eating anything.
  • This vrat can be observed even if the devotee is not present in his or her residence and is out of town.
  • This vrat cannot be done by a menstruating women and so if a Thursday is missed for some reason for doing this vrat, then that Thursday should be excluded from the total count of 9 Thursdays and the following Thursday should be counted for the vrat and there after the concluding ceremony should be performed.

Procedure for Concluding Ceremony: -

  • On the concluding Thursday of the vrat, five poor people should be fed.
  • To augment the importance of this vrat and Sai Baba, 5,11 and 21 Sai Baba Vrat books should be distributed among friends and family members. This is how the vrat is concluded.
  • In the concluding ceremony, the Sai Baba vrat books are distributed and the blessings of Sai Baba are sought.
  • On the 9th or last Thursday, the books to be given to friends or family members should be blessed during the pooja by the great saint before they are distributed. The devotees of Sai Baba strongly believe that this vrat is very rewarding if it is strictly followed observing all the rules as stated above and concluded in the right way. Then Sai Baba fulfils all the desires of the devotees.


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